PRIME: The women of mayfair strategic networking series :

Increase your Income, Expand your Impact, Cultivate Options, Grow your Business.

*Seats Limited


A community carefully curated BY FEMALE C-Suite Executives in Asset Management & Law FOR FEMALE C-SUITE EXECUTIVES iN ASSET MANAGMENT & LAW.

Where Founders, Trailblazers & Powerhouse women CONNECT.

book a intro call to learn more …

bold, inspiring content delivered just for you

ABOUT PRIME’s live events!

Who is this for?

  • Strong, fierce, powerhouse women

  • C-Suite Executives, Partners & Founders in Mayfair & the City

  • Women who work in Asset Management, Finance & Law or who share a very particular set of values and ambitions (see below)

book a intro call to learn more …




Effective Strategic Networking


Taking Inspired Action


Smart Women (REALLY) Supporting Smart Women

Competition happens at the bottom


The People at the Top are Collaborating


Competition happens at the bottom ~ The People at the Top are Collaborating ~

book a intro call to learn more …

All the details

Women Need to help women climb to the top, now more than ever

The mission?


  • women Creating impact through STRATEGIC COLLABORATION

    Prime is about a sense of BELONGING to something unique, collaborative and powerful. You’re working in industries where you may implicitly feel “less than”, not good enough or like you don’t belong simply because you are the ONLY woman sat at an Executive Committee. You may feel like the ‘other’ there, but not here.


The REAL issues impacting women in Finance, Law & Consulting (particularly age 40+), Chatham house rules.

What’s included in prime ?

This is a 9 month exclusive membership. Our aim is a maximum of 80 members for the first year.

The Newsletter will ALWAYS be Free.

We’re keeping seats very limited so that we can keep the quality of service HIGH. Integrity is essential. It is of utmost importance that we deliver on what we say we will! This also allows us to continuously take on feedback in cycles, track KPIs and improve upon each iteration and event.

We will be the first networking community to track KPIs and tangible change for our members.

4 breakfasts - coffee shouldn’t be the only thing strong in the am ! bold talk, smart collaborationS

These larger breakfasts are not your typical “have a cup of coffee and talk about some fluff”. They are geared to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and CAUSE A STIR (no, not just in your coffee). Different PRIME members & Special Guest Speakers will attend. There will always be an element of impromptu and surprise at each event to keep you guessing.

4 luxurious dinners (*marquee events) with incredible prime- worthy wine (not cheap rubbish)

These dinners will be tables of 15-20 women carefully chosen to connect, strategize and get down to the business of increasing each other’s business, impact and INCOME. Its strategy with damn good food & fine wine. Its BOLD talk. Its figuring it the F out. Its ACTION. Its about creating MOMENTUM & CONSISTENCY.

Access to our Curated list of Experts & third party service providers vetted by Prime members

These are providers RECOMMENDED by PRIME Members. The List will include ANY third party service provider a C-suite woman may need from a Fund Administrator to a Presentation/ Speaking Expert, to a Prime Broker to a Divorce Attorney to an OBGYN who knows her stuff!) to a Nanny and Cleaning service. We cover all the bases that YOU somehow cover from your finger tip to your pinky toe.

cohorts organized by niche: hedge fund, private equity, VC, crypto, etc.,

1x /mo group zoom calls with subject matter experts on strategies & hot topics that will get results

private whatsapp (or other online app) chat community


and there’s more…


  • Up to 30% discount on 1:1 bespoke exec coaching packages

  • Discount to 1 day offsite Retreat

  • First access to VIP tickets & discounts to a Retreat, 2 nights, 3 days in the Luxurious English Countryside (although it looks like we will be taking the tour to Tuscany & Provence as well!)

    Curious???? Then book a FREE call!

Get In On the ground floor …

The waitlist for the 2024 year is open !

What are we talking about?

TYPES of topics COVERED?

  • Money & Parity – negotiating like a boss

  • Burnout & Stress

  • Promotions

  • Leadership

  • Nutrition, Movement & Stubborn Weight Gain

  • REAL diversity & inclusion vs. the rubber stamp approach

  • Retirement plans, multiple sources of passive income

  • Skill Sets & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Courage, confidence & grit in negotiating YOUR terms at work

  • Bullying

  • Mentorship

  • Perimenapause, menopause and the impact at work

  • Navigating childcare


If you could…..

  • Connect with a community of highly accomplished women dedicated to collaborating & strategizing on how to create more impact & influence in the workplace

  • Learn new skills & leverage new technologies that could open doors of possibility for the evolution of your career

  • Unlock exclusive access to expert speakers in leadership, communication, stress management, negotiation, organisational psychology, hormonal health and nutrition after age 40.

  • Invest in professional and personal development for a future where you have more focus and energy and less stress and exhaustion

  • Prioritize your health and well-being as a fundamental cornerstone to your success

  • Embrace growth by stepping out of your comfort zone and becoming part of a supportive community of accomplished women.

  • Feel Inspired, motivated, supported & energised

here’s what you get

  • Four Breakfasts

  • Four Luxurious Dinners (Marquee Events) with PRIME worthy wine

  • Access to the LIST (any and all third party service providers that a C-Suite woman could need VETTED by PRIME members)

  • 1x Group Zoom per month with training by a SME

  • Private Whatsapp online chat community

  • Cohorts grouped by niche (HF, PE, VC, Crypto, etc)

  • Add-ons

    • Discounts to 1:1 coaching packages

    • Discounts & First Access to VIP tickets for Retreat Events

      • 1 day Retreats

      • 2 night/3 day Retreats

Community Pillars


The industries we work in are cut-throat. This is a space where you can CONNECT with your peers, catch your breath, grab a cuppa & talk about the REAL issues. Then STRATEGISE on ways to redress them. Often, ‘“success” as a woman comes at the price of feeling lonely, exhausted & isolated. But it doesn’t have to.


We EACH bring a wealth of knowledge & talent to the table. With every EXPERIENCE in life, we have gathered invaluable wisdom. Wisdom SHARED makes us stronger as a community. Celebrate the strength you’ve earned through every battle fought & hairpin turn navigated (holding on for dear life). Tell your story.


Learning how to PROTECT & SUPPORT your health, from mindfulness, to increased focus, to nutrition & movement, to understanding the complexity of hormones & the gut biome - knowledge IS power. New habits nurture.

Prioritsing self-care is FUNDAMENTAL to creating greater impact at work.


TRUST & INTEGRITY are the bedrock of PRIME. In order to strategise effectively on solutions we must create a space to talk CANDIDLY about what the issues really are. What are the root causes underlying the most recent stats & research on equal pay in London? Let’s talk about it ladies!.


I’ve walked in your shoes

And sat in your seat. I GET IT. I get the late nights & early mornings, the one deadline after another, the not knowing if you have even used the toilet in the last 5 hours because this presentation is due at 2pm (!). I know what its like to be the favorite and then the villain. I know the politics. I know what it is to wonder about the last time you took a walk outside to breathe because that would be considered selfish, there is too much to do.

I know what it is to feel like you are not enough, and then work a 16 hour day trying to compensate… trying to prove your worth JUST so you can be considered for a high profile project or promotion.

I know what it feels like to be the ONLY other woman sitting at the table of an executive committee, or an awards gala. I know what it is to have to be so very careful on what you say, lest you ruffle a sensitive ego . I know the eggshells. I know the tightropes. I know what it feels like to have to apologise when you have done nothing wrong. I know the double standards, the closed doors, the ‘could you keep it short please?’, whilst male counterparts drone on for 40 minutes.

I know what it takes to get to the top and I know how tenuous that position is even after you have gotten there.. I know what a lack of security feels like.

Being a C-level and a woman in asset management or law is NOT easy. The CLIMB is not for the faint of heart.

The fighting to be heard but censoring your words, the negotiation for titles, the concessions on holiday or time to take care of your health. I worked in regulations for over 14 yrs in London and financial services in NYC for 5 yrs. I graduated with other high performers from Georgetown Law in DC. I know your pressure. I know your exhaustion. And I even know that you may feel guilty ever admitting either.

That is why I created PRIME. It is everything I could have wanted for myself as an executive. It is Community. It is Connection. It is Leadership. It is Support. It is Knowledge. It is a STEP FORWARD, when you get the push back.

Take that step.

“Every Ceiling Reached, becomes a Floor.”

- Aldous Huxley

Does this sound LIKE YOU?

  • You’re a successful C-level Executive in Asset Management, Finance or Law looking to connect and collaborate with your peers

  • You desire change

  • You want to learn tools & skills to help you be a better leader & navigate the trajectory of your career

  • You want to be around other high achieving women who are on or above your level of success

  • You want to figure out how to prioritize & protect your health and well-being

  • You want to be able to be a mum AND an executive WITHOUT constant lingering guilt

  • Oh, & you want to have some fun …..



There is a void... and we created PRIME to fill it.

Yes, there are tons of networking events that take place in Mayfair & the City. But what is actually being said at these events? What is CHANGING for women? Are the compositions of boards & executive committees changing? Are women getting paid more or negotiating better terms at work? Is REAL diversity and inclusion happening or are boxes being ticked? There is so much lip service about these issues, but is it political and careful and polite whilst the latest statistics & studies tell us an entirely different tale?

Research by the Fawcett Society released in NOV 2023 marks Equal Pay Day. It shows ‘glacial’ progress on closing the wage gap, with parity not expected for nearly three decades.

PRIME is a place where we can be real & talk about the very real experience of life is as a female C-level executive in London. We can then focus on creative strategies, solutions & support. Its a forum to be heard and a place to listen.

2024 | DML Consultants Ltd | London