Everything you want is on the other side of doing what you fear.

My mission is to INSPIRE CHANGE. To provide effective mindset frameworks, High Performance strategies and stories of courage and grit that will inspire others who feel completely trapped by their life choices. I catalyze RAPID PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION in others so that they can live with more FREEDOM, joy, & kick *ssery. I’m not a life coach, I am a BOLD coach who specialises in Corporate Executives age 40 and up.

How did I learn about Leadership? 20 years of working in one of the most intense, cut-throat industries in the world, Finance. And importantly, acting as a C-Suite Executive myself. I’ve also graduated from Georgetown Law and passed the NY state bar.

I understand the (extreme) pressure to perform and compete that you are faced with day in and day out….. And I’ve developed a smart methodology that will getyou there.

What’s my unique approach? A deep knowledge (please read as relentless OBSESSION) with neursocience & the subconscious, psychology, growth mindset, Flow State, meditation, mindfulness, breathwork and most importantly high performance habits.

These are combined with a demand and discipline to take CONSISTENT ACTION - micro-acts of courage on a DAILY basis.

On this Discovery Call/Intro, we’ll discuss —>

  1. your goals,

  2. a actionable plan to get you there

  3. what it will look like to work together.

After the discovery call, you’ll receive:

  1. The recording of our meeting for you to keep

  2. An actionable summary of anything we discussed that you NEED to do NOW

  3. The outline of what it will look like to work together

  4. And any other resources that we discuss during your discovery call!

How to reserve:

  • Book a call by clicking on the button here

  • Select a time on my calendar below that works for you.

  • Complete the booking form

  • Wait for your email confirmation

I’ll follow up via email within 24 hours— including a detailed agenda for our time together (tailored to the objectives you share during booking).

About Me:

  • 20 years of on the-ground experience in Finance and Law

  • JD from Georgetown Law, BA from Boston College

  • Direct on-the-ground experience as a C-Suite Executive in Asset Management (I GET where you are coming from)

  • Several yrs consulting with ExCo’s and CEOs over highly sensitive/ high pressure situations

  • 15 yrs of obsessive study in leadership, personal development, high performance habits, sports psychology, neuroscience, holistic health, mindfulness, meditation, the subconscious and growth mindset

  • 6 years as a Professional Speaker, Panelist and Keynote Speaker for corporate events - speaking to audiences from 50-200

  • Expert in solo remote travel and the rapid personal transformations that accompany EXTREME adventures in the WILD, alone. (I am not your typical executive coach!! this girl’s got spice. Think of it as Mel Robbins meets Bear Grylls meets Lara Croft)

What I advise on:

  1. Courage, Confidence & Grit - Doing What You Fear

    Everything we REALLY want lies on the other side of DOING what we fear. So why don’t we take action? Many procrastinate & cling to complacency and excuses simply to keep themselves safe. This talk, pulling in much about the latest studies on neuroscience, mindset and the subconscious, is the SLAP that we all need to snap out of the coma and the safety, and JUMP into the next level of LIVING with HIGH performance.

  2. Authentic Leadership & Communication
    The latest leadership techniques from the BEST performance and sports coaches in the world. It also covers communication methods that can make an impact. So many are talking right now, from boardrooms to podiums to stages, but few are listening. There is a reason, and there is a cure.

  3. Transformation & The Power of Action
    The most SUCCUESSFUL high performers in the world, the LEADERS, have a handful of consistent traits & habits. Two of them are their WILLINGNESS to fail, and learn by failing, again and again and their RELENTLESS ability to take consistent ACTION. Get off the bench & step on to the court to learn more as this talk is HIGH IMPACT, FAST PACED and all about HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS.

  4. Attracting, Retaining, & Motivating
    The cultural & generational differences which contribute to miscommunications and a lack of connection and presents an EFFECTIVE ACTIONABLE roadmap on how to attract & leverage the invaluable talent of Gen Z.

  5. Burnout, Anxiety & Depression
    Energy depletion & exhaustion, reduction of efficacy at work & negative feelings towards ones job (combined with frustration & a lack of purpose) are complex issues that managers can no longer ignore but are hard pressed to find effective solutions. The root causes of burnout and anxiety and presents a strategies for a remedy using the latest cutting edge techniques across multiple disciplines.

  6. And much more…

I look forward to meeting you!!