Free Resources to Elevate Your Game!


I’m all about giving away tools, tips, techniques and strategies that have been WELL researched. These little babies have loads of references that you can cross check if you want to dive deeper into the topics. Get your hands on the latest releases FOR FREE.

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These guides are here to help you.

Resources on career strategy, negotiation, resilience, leadership, confidence & more…….

Women execs in london - Your Free Guide to negotiating pay and terms of work (made especially for you!)

Women do NOT have it easy in the UK (!) The UK’s pay gap is greater than that in the EU and USA. Annual Performance Reviews and ANY talks around comp and promotions are stressful and tense. But there’s always a way up ladies! This guide will help you gain clarity on where you stand at work, what your options are and how to win ground on the playing field. If you follow these science-backed techniques you can open up conversations on comp that you didn’t think were possible. Feeling down or trapped about your job? I GOT YOU.

non-gender (or location) specific - this is for the boys & the girls - Your Free Guide to negotiating pay, starting hard conversations & working on your terms

This guide is packed with science-backed techniques so you can negotiate like a boss. It can be used in the time period before, or after your annual performance review or at ANY time you want to start the harder conversations at work. Through these tools you will ALSO gain tremendous clarity on your current position, your goals and your options. Curious? Good. Download, start standing taller at work - and get at it!

How alcohol impacts performance & sleep

Understanding how biohacking and neurochemistry works at age 40+ (and what alcohol is REALLY doing to your system) is essential to achieve high performance. High performance = High income. NBA, NFL, (EU) Football - ANY elite sports athlete trains to win. Are you? Do you think working a 6-7 figure high performing job is any different than an elite sport? This guide summarizes the latest findings from the most renowned doctors and subject matter experts on biohacking (it is FASCINATING - I promise you) neuroscience, gut health, nutrition and biochemistry. Its packed with so much recent scientific findings - the techniques are almost irrefutable. It’s time to get your geek on.

Why athletes use visualization to win & so should you

The most renowned performance coaches for athletes use visualization techniques as fundamental to their sports psychology. Athletes are high performers and so are you. It’s time to understand why this is such an essential tool for stress and anxiety management, effective negotiation and winning ground at work. Visualization is about using mental images or scenes to re-map and train your mind towards specific outcomes. It literally works with the neural circuits of the brain. Athletes visualize outcomes, plays, maneuvers on the field, again and again on repeat. Whenyou exercise an idea over and over, your brain will begin to respond as though the idea was a real object in the world. The  thalamus  makes  no  distinction  between  inner  and  outer  realities,  and  thus  any  idea,  if contemplated long enough, will take on a semblance of reality. Your belief becomes neurologically real and your brain will respond accordingly. Want to learn more….? I got you.