How did I learn so much about Confidence & Grit? It actually wasn’t through the 250 books (and counting) that I’ve read on personal development, entrepreneurship, resilience and spirituality or the 100s of hours of podcasts I’m obsessed with.

I’ve been addicted to solo remote travel for 15 years and the rapid personal transformations that accompany extreme adventures.

Necessity is the MOTHER of invention. You learn a lot about yourself when alone on a mountain and a goat is the only living thing you’ve seen for 3 hours, or in the woods without a proper map because the rain made the ink bleed ….and your flashlight just died. You learn a LOT about what you are REALLY capable when in hand to hand combat in Tuscany, over a dog.

I’m a minimalist who macheted down ALL of her personal belongings to 10 UPS boxes in 2021 to up level a sense of FREEDOM. I’m also usually the sole brave soldier in the board room, saying what 90% of the executive committee is thinking, but is too afraid to say lest their head be on the chopping block.

I don’t do politics. I do results. I don’t sugar coat the situation. If you want sugar, buy a donut. I say what needs to be said to catalyze rapid transformation, change & evolution.

We all deserve happiness, fulfillment, and joy. We deserve to fall asleep easily at night without lying there in bed thinking and spinning on a million plates out of our control. We deserve a life where we are not numbing ourselves out to mask the quiet angst, with alcohol or 6 hours of netflix or scrolling through social media mindlessly.

SO many are riddled with anxiety and depression, marching solemnly through their life choices out of obligation or indentured servitude (to their mortgage, or their partners expectations and quality of life or their kids tuition) versus living a LIFE of FREEDOM.

There are so many reasons for this malaise, (1) we were taught in schooling to conform and bow our heads to a system that does not create happy or healthy adults (2) we were taught to fear trying and failing at anything that isn’t the status quo.

I believe every human being is LIMITLESS.

we have been programmed, CONDITIONED to forget our our own personal agency, and our choice.

My story: After graduating in 2008 from Georgetown Law with 250K of student loan debt & no work I fell into a massive bout of both anxiety and depression. I went from making six figures in Finance before law school to waitressing in central Florida once I graduated. I started to rebuild my confidence and self-worth through solo remote travel and then moved to London to temp as a receptionist because it was the only job I could get with my law degree. My grades were not good enough, I was not good enough, in they eyes of ‘big law’ or ‘magic circle firms’. But I refused to give in to others perception of my worth and I decided to redefine success and freedom.

I CLAWED my way from receptionist BACK up the corporate ladder becoming a C-level executive in a entirely male dominated industry. I eventually opened my own regulatory & compliance consulting firm where I scaled my daily rate from 500 GBP/day to 2000 GBP/day over the course of 4 years, working less and less and earning more. As an interim executive I negotiated contracts where I could also work remote in an industry, Finance, that was adamant against remote work.

I made my work WORK for me versus the other way around.

I took no prisoners.

And I got in ALIGNMENT with my values.

Every time I needed a hit of confidence or grit I would fly someplace in the middle of nowhere, gorgeous, and test myself, find my edges , push PAST them. This is how I used solo remote travel.

I’ve been speaking at hedge fund conferences in front of audiences between 50-300 people on leadership, conduct, culture, governance, power and communication for 6 years. I’ve coached executives on performance and mindset part time, for 2 years whilst running my regulatory business.

In 2023 I finally decided to go ALL IN on my speaking career in order impact and serve as many “trapped” people as I could with inspirational stories, effective strategies for personal transformation and  high performance habits. The thing is - we trap ourselves with the BS and the nonsense and the limiting beliefs we believe about ourself. I help people rewire all that so that they can live a more FREE life. A life aligned to their values. A life that has joy

How do I speak on stages and have the audacity to say what I say? The only way to inspire courage and the vulnerability is to lead by example.

Always a rebel, in law school I started a divorce consulting business on Nantucket whilst my colleagues worked for free at big law firms (I LIVE for the beach!) Later in my regulatory consulting practice I was always the lone brave soldier saying what 90% of the executive committee was thinking, but too afraid to say lest their head be chopped off. I then translated that fearlessness to the stage.



I speak to impact & help as many people as I can.

I share unusual stories, examples and mindset strategies to enable you to go AFTER the life you REALLY want with undeterred focus & sheer will.


I don’t do politics. I do results. I don’t sugar coat the situation. If you want sugar, buy a donut. I say what needs to be said to catalyze rapid transformation, change & evolution.


With over 15 yrs of obsessive study in personal development, high performance habits, neuroscience, spirituality, meditation, the subconscious & growth mindset - I know how to craft a talk or a coaching program that will shift the energy and mindset of the audience

Book dawn mari as a speaker for your next virtual & in person event

Dawn Mari is a professional speaker for corporate events, webinars and workshops specializing in topics on leadership, performance, communication, confidence, grit and personal transformation.

I CLAWED my way from receptionist BACK up the corporate ladder (I had made six figures in Wall Street before law school), becoming a C-level executive. I eventually opened my own regulatory & compliance consulting firm where I scaled my daily rate from 500 GBP/day to 2000/day over the course of 4 years as an interim executive, negotiating contracts where I could also work remote in an industry that was adamant against remote work. But I made my work WORK for me versus the other way around. I took no prisoners. And I got in ALIGNMENT with my values.

I’ve been speaking at hedge fund conferences in front of audiences between 50-300 on leadership, conduct, culture, governance, power and communication for 6 years. I’ve coached executives part time, for 2 years whilst running my regulatory business.

In 2023 I finally decided to go ALL IN on my speaking career in order impact and serve as many trapped or stuck people as I could with inspirational stories, effective strategies for personal transformation and high performance habits and motivational mindset tools so that they can live a more FREE life. A life aligned to their values and a life that has joy.