clarity, courage & bold, confident action 

The CCA Method

ever feel like no matter what you do, it’s never enough?

My methodology is not for the faint of heart, BUT it will give you a sense of unprecedented confidence, self-assuredness and high energy so that you can finally achieve what you really want in life, at ANY age.

With a JD from Georgetown Law and 20 years of corporate finance experience - this is not a superficial, ‘high level’ coaching approach that skirts the fundamental issues or root causes.

This is a deep dive that results in an unparalleled elevated level of energy, fulfillment and peace. .

Using a multi-disciplinary approach rooted in neuroscience, psychology, high performance habits and mindfulness you will gain significantly more

  • Clarity on who you really are and what you truly want

  • Grounded Confidence

  • Self-Reliance

  • Focus

  • Energy

  • Mental Resilience

  • Peace

  • Intuitive Knowledge

  • Self-Discipline, SELF-LOVE & Self-Respect

Added bonus, you’ll start sleeping better.

No more lying in bed thinking about the 7 million things you have to do tomorrow or whether that email really meant what you THINK it meant from your passive aggressive colleague.

If you are burnt out, frenetic, or just no longer feel confident in who you are and where you’re going - this generally has to do with incongruence. You are focusing on the wrong sh*t.

Alignment is about congruence, getting your actions to match what you truly value and who you fundamentally are.

Maybe you’re already a high performer but you got knocked off your horse. We all do, it just hurts more and we tend to stay down a bit longer in our 40s! .

Something significant happened (an ‘event’) with your health, your personal life (e.g. divorce) or your work.

And since that knock….. you cannot seem to find your footing, your way up.

The ‘transition event’ got into your head, and got in good. 

The transition event may alternatively be gradual. You may wake up one morning and just realize you’re miserable. The money is great and your title at work is fantastic but you just feel EMPTY, like you have no real purpose, no real joy. You feel numb and you do not know why.

Drawing from tremendous personal experience in transitions (just read my About page) and 15 years of studying high performance, sports psychology, military stoicism, neuroscience, leadership, mindfulness and biohacking, I know how to guide you back to feeling ALIVE again, unshakeable confidence and renewed resilience.

.I believe every human being is infinitely powerful. We just forget sometimes.

You know you want CHANGE

Where you’re at right now

  • You make good money and have a great title but you feel this persistent angst… often, an unease and have NO idea why. Nothing feels like you thought it would in your 40s

  • You want more and you want to be happy but you have no idea how to get there anymore because the $$$ isn’t hitting like it used to

  • You’re exhausted often and you don’t sleep well

  • You’re worried about your health - your high stress levels, your inability to focus, your battle with burnout, persistent weight gain around the middle,

  • You’re constantly running on ALL cylinders -manically moving from one obligation or task to the next

  • You are often in the room, but not IN the room - you’re not present

  • Your confidence is low - if you’re honest - nothing you do ever seems to be good enough - you do not have your own back

  • You doom scroll on social media or binge on netflix or you just do little things (like a bottle versus a glass) to numb yourself out

Where you get to

  • You have incredible ENERGY

  • The way you communicate is MAGNETIC, you influence rooms

  • Your CONFIDENCE is through the roof because you are FULLY showing up as you - the most AUTHENTIC, truest version of you

  • You have laser FOCUS on the actions that align with your values


  • You laugh a LOT more, deeply and often

  • You are PRESENT at work and at home because you have

  • You’ve LOST WEIGHT and are more confident in your body

  • You drink less, MOVE your body more and spend time doing the things that actually give you joy. You’ve recalibrated your time

  • Your MENTAL RESILIENCE and clarity of thought is on another level

  • You SLEEP SOUNDLY and without anxiety

  • You are making MORE MONEY in LESS time







What do you get ?

  • 12 Coaching sessions 60-90 min +1 bonus hypnobreathwork session

  • Coaching Tracker detailing exactly what was covered in each session, key insights, questions to consider, objective analysis.. At the end of the sessions this document is 30-50 pages.

  • Whatsapp/ text and voicenote support - unlimited M-FR working hours

  • Bespoke Worksheets and Visuals/Diagrams detailing where you are, what’s holding you back and how to get to where you want to go

  • Recorded zoom calls

  • Bespoke list of podcasts to listen to + books to read, based on your unique situation

  • Bespoke meditations, sound therapy + suggestions on micro-changes to nutrition and sleep to combat stress/high cortisol

  • Homework Tracker - where we build on the fundamentals week to week - this also provides a roadmap for independent work post-coaching


    • 1:1 VIP day - onsite, in person

I’ve sat in your shoes. As a former C-level exec (CCO, FCA registered), and interim Exec  in Ops, Risk and Regulations - I have seen every crisis you can shake a shoe at. From Board Members resigning after a candid conversation (with a rogue employee), to Russian investors during a new war, to lawsuits, to laptops being thrown across the room to cornerstone investor redemptions.

Whatever it is that you are dealing with – even if it is slightly less Cirque du Soleil than above….

I have been there. I get it.

And I can help get you results…

I also appreciate the (tremendous) power of self-reliance, adaptability and grit. Why? I’ve been addicted to solo travel to the middle of nowhere for 15+ yrs. These (extreme) adventures way off piste - have always forced me to TEST my limits, TO FIND MY EDGE, to adapt, to pivot, to be resilient, to figure it the F*ck Out -  and I instill THOSE skills in my unique coaching method.  

I’m a bit Simon Sinek, I can curse like Gary Vee, I play the game like Phil Jackson, I say it like it is - with HEART - like Brene Brown…. and I push the extremities like Bear Grylls.

You know you’re curious


We get CLEAR on who you are - really, that uncensored version of you and what your goals are.

What do you REALLY want for yourself?

The Unfiltered. Pure, version of you.

What would you want for yourself if you could not fail?

Who do you want to be?

Let’s talk about it.


We ALL have limiting beliefs about ourselves and what we are truly capable of, “blocks”. These are deep-seated fears which take root in the subconscious.

We all have stories that loop in our subconscious mind (and most of them are negative).

We get to the root of, and then clear the limiting beliefs and fears through science-backed reframing techniques. I use a variety of methods from quick meditations, breathwork, sound therapy, journaling and visualization. This approach is bespoke to the individual.


What I’m most well-known for is the (enormous) Energy I bring into a room.

In corporate speak - they call this Executive Presence.

There are 3 main killers of energy (1) forgetting who you fundamentally are (2) forgetting what gives you joy and makes you laugh & (3) absorbing too much of the wrong (misaligned) content (including the wrong people).  

We focus on increased movement, bespoke nutrition and biohacking in this stage.

4. aligned action

Micro-habits, small consistent actions are fundamental to momentum & lasting change. We instill smart micro-habits that compound gradually over time. Little nuanced changes that have a tremendous impact by week 3 or 4. This includes some homework - listening to a bespoke list of audiobooks, podcasts &/or reading a few key books – so that you practice and repeat (repetition is KEY to change) what we work on in our coaching sessions.

This step is about beginning to ACT IN ALIGNMENT with what you truly value in life, consistently, with small micro-actions, routines & habits.

The steps


We begin to alter your environment gradually. The people you associate the most with, where you spend your time, these have a massive impact on your mental and physical health, and as a result -  your performance in life. The latest research in neuroscience and brain waves backs this up.

Changing the environment could mean something as small as spending a little less time with ‘friends’ or colleagues who don’t have your back, who want you to stay ‘stuck’ because they are stuck, learning to set boundaries, spending 30 minutes at a gym or park 4x a week, revising what TV and social media you absorb and for how long.

6.solo trAVEL

I’ve been doing solo trips to extremely remote locations for 15 years and have traveled to over 30 countries and 25 states. I know how to go ‘off piste’.

Places of extreme beauty evoke awe which SNAP us OUT of our social conditioning (towards misery, monotony and obedience).

A solo remote trip is the single most rapid transformational 3 days you can give to yourself. I will guide you through the process, plan it all out for you and there will be (little) challenges along the way.

This is where you test your limits and all of our training together - your energy, your confidence, your resilience, your grit.

Leadership & Executive Coaching

This is a more ‘classical’ approach in comparison to the above. Of course I can customize any coaching package to your firm’s individual needs.

This is a highly discreet, confidential partnership. I offer an umbrella of services: leadership development, crisis management and career management.

I work closely with C-Suite executives and their teams as an independent advisor and objective sounding board (usually during rough waters).

I bring an honed instinct for ferreting out the root cause of highly complex issues (with lightening speed). I can also spot potential legal and regulatory liabilities quickly and have an incredible network of excellent lawyers on call for any red flag situation.

Clear, effective, communication combined with savvy, no-nonsense actionable advice is paramount. My clients benefit from an unbiased third-party perspective, and a fearless, yet tactful ability to challenge the harder, more sensitive issues (and people).

Career consulting - this is for leaders who wish to stay agile, gain a competitive edge or engage in new initiatives (unchartered territory):

  • Develop leadership skills (e.g. speaking, presenting, teamwork and effective communication)

  • Create new opportunities

  • Drive the change you wish to manifest