From how to gain clarity on your role, how to get clear on what you REALLY want and develop the courage to go after it - to high performance strategies and biohacking - these puppies pack a punch and are backed by tons of science

  • Podcast: The Jump with Dawn Mari

    The CONFIDENCE & GRIT to go after what you REALLY want in life only comes through consistent acts of courage.

    This uncensored, bold & brutally honest take on everything from negotiating balls to the wall at work, to moving to a new city, to leaving a unfulfilling relationship - is an unconventional series on HOW to LIVE a life of FREEDOM on YOUR terms.

    Also see the podcast on youtube: IAMDAWNMARI


    A MUST HAVE for any new entrepreneur. Before you buy a ‘high ticket’ mastermind or 1:1 coaching package (program costs range $9,000 - $40,000 USD+) this is an INVALUABLE “How To” that will teach you the RED flags from GREEN flags. You will be able to FILTER OUT the music from the noise in the market. You WILL be able to FILTER OUT QUALITY coaches who have ‘done the reps’ from salespeople holding themselves out as coaches & who are cutting corners .

  • Women of Mayfair Networking Series : PRIME


    This is an exclusive and private brunch series for C-level executives in Finance, Asset Management and Law held on a quarterly basis in Mayfair, London. Chatham House Rules. We speak honestly about the REAL issues impacting women at the senior management level, from politics to income, to promotions to board positions - this is a UNIQUE community of powerhouse women with shared values* - looking to STRATEGIZE, share knowledge, and connect in a meaningful consistent way. Our Mission: to get more women in positions of tangible impact and influence and put an end to this ‘one and done’ approach to boards in the UK.

Curious on what performance coaching can do for you?


“you can choose courage or YOU CAN CHOOSE comfort - but you cannot HAVE both.”

- Brené Brown

Hi there, I’m Dawn Mari. I’m a Speaker, Facilitator of High Impact Retreats and a Performance Coach.

I’m also a former C-level executive in Finance (Private Equity & Hedge Funds), a solo remote travel addict, a Georgetown Law Grad, a David who sometimes picks fights with Goliaths, a midnight dancer, and a Mom to Monty, my Drag Queen Lhasa Apso.

My unconventional life has led me to build to a BOLD, unconventional platform.

I don’t know many other C-level executives who have traveled ALONE to some the most remote, gorgeous locations in the world for over 15 years. Do you? A bit Bear Grylls. A bit Brene Brown. A bit Wendy from “Billions”.

My mission is to INSPIRE CHANGE. To teach cutting edge performance frameworks (leveraged by a deep knowledge of biohacking and mindfulness) and share raw, uncensored stories of courage that will inspire others who feel stuck or trapped by their life choices.

My goal is to remind people of how infinitely powerful they are.

I catalyze RAPID professional and personal TRANSFORMATION so that you can live with more FREEDOM, fulfillment, MONEY….& kick *ssery. I’m not a life coach, I am a BOLD coach who specializes in corporate execs who crave change.

Ready to get out of your own way?

What They Are Saying

  • "Dawn is an invaluable wealth of knowledge on all things personal development, transformation and start-ups – from which podcasts to listen to, to which books to read, to which masterminds might be a right fit and from meditation, to mindset, to movement to micro-habits to journaling prompts and techniques – she really lives and breathes this space. Her ENDLESS energy is uplifting and her questions challenging, inspiring and wise. She is a total gem with a huge heart and passion for personal transformation which is contagious and so motivating. "

    Kedge M, Founder: Family Office Advisory: Succession Planning

  • "Dawn is fearless and her no-nonsense, “say it as it is” approach is quite refreshing. She understands the politics and complex realities of being a senior manager. Her compassion & empathy, her keen awareness of why people do the things they do, and her extensive studies on leadership, organizational psychology and mindset make for a winning and unique combination. Her expertise on growth mindset and her tenacity to get her clients more confident to make bold moves is inspiring. She is an astute listener and will offer balanced thoughtful advice on various options in someone’s career trajectory at their current firm or in a career pivot. "

    Martin L, Director, Financial Services

  • "Restoring and maintaining focus in a period of rapid change and high stress were the two most pivotal outcomes I gained through Dawn’s guidance. Her high energy approach was pinpointed into accurate and hard hitting advice which was delivered in a powerful, committed and empathetic manner. Dawn was able to re-wire my concentration to ensure that I could make the most appropriate decisions for myself and for those around me. She explained the importance of regular movement, and being religious about that movement. She is the strongest proponent for journaling one’s thoughts and feelings and encouraged me to make that jump into written self-expression. These disciplines helped me forge a path back to where I felt I should be. Her super power is one of high energy, self nurturing focus which will only lead to highly productive outcomes for those who know her."

    Meg Gray , C-Suite & member of Executive Committee, Asset Management

  • "Dawn is an excellent coach on confidence and courage. She has this spark and energy when she talks. She provides great insight on limiting beliefs about ourselves that we don't even know we have and offers excellent advice and mindset tools to support taking on new challenges - for example speaking in front of large audiences or taking on a new additional role in your career. She asks a lot of interesting questions that make you pause and consider WHY you think the way you do. You can tell she absolutely LOVES what she does and I cannot wait to see what this next year brings for her."

    Samantha M, Head of Operations & Non-Executive Director, Private Equity

  • "Dawn is VERY knowledgeable about the coaching community, programs and masterminds as well as best practices. She knows how to guide you through what questions to ask in a mastermind or 1:1 coaching session and she introduced me to a personal development conference series that I found INVALUABLE. I never would have known about the conference had Dawn not sent me all of the information as I am new to the personal development world - so to speak! She also knows the best stages and events that host the BEST speakers. She is SO passionate about her work. She really cares about helping people and supporting them on their journey and she REALLY listens. She has TONS of useful advice on podcasts, books, conferences, apps and meditations so that you can begin to build a framework for personal growth that suits your specific needs. She meets you where you are at! You can tell she really loves this stuff!

    Laurena O, CCO, Venture Capital




Dream • Breathe • BUILD •


Speaker, Podcaster & Performance Coach

I believe that everything we really want in life, is on the OTHER side of doing what we truly Fear.

How did I learn SO MUCH on Confidence & Grit? I’ve been ADDICTED to solo remote travel for 15 years and the rapid personal transformations that accompany extreme adventures in the wild, alone. I’ve also locked horns with executives who manage 5bn+ in asset management when culture, conduct or employee health is at issue. I’m simply not afraid of saying what needs to be said.

How did I learn about Freedom? I’m a minimalist who narrowed down all of her personal belongings to 10 UPS boxes in 2021.

How did I learn about Leadership? 20 years of working in one of the most stressful, intense, cut-throat industries in the world, Finance. Years & years consulting closely with over 15 different PE and HFs. 15 yrs studying leadership and organisational psychology from Simon Sinek, Adam Grant, Brendan Burchard & various renowned contributors to the Harvard Business Review.

What’s my unique approach? A deep knowledge (please read “OBSESSION”) of neursocience & the subconscious, psychology, flow state, meditation, breathwork and high performance habits combined with a demand to take CONSISTENT ACTION - micro-acts of courage on a DAILY basis.



Keynote Speaker

corporate workshops and speaking

Dawn is a FORCE of change. With over 20 years of corporate experience, a law degree from one of the most prestigious schools in the USA and 15 yrs studying leadership, communication, personal development, mindset, breathwork, movement, meditation, high performance habits and personal transformation - she packs a punch and can read a room quickly to know how to make a BIG impact. Her command of an audience is immediate and her ability to connect with others, inspire, deliver results, & shift ENERGY, uncanny.

  • Signature Talk: This bold, insightful & vulnerable discussion details the paralyses of fear, and the strong hold of limiting beliefs - whether its beliefs about income, or intelligence, or job promotions, or weight loss. Everything we REALLY want lies on the other side of DOING what we fear. So why don’t we take action? Many procrastinate & cling to complacency and excuses simply to keep themselves safe. This talk, pulling in much about the latest studies on neuroscience, mindset and the subconscious, is the SLAP that we all need to snap out of the coma and the safety, and JUMP into the next level of LIVING with HIGH performance.

  • This is where Dawn's deep dive studies into pro-athletes and all-star teams comes shining through. High performing teams are built on trust, clear communication, relentless grit and the ability to leverage off of each other's expertise. This talk goes into how to get your team cohesive, especially when there are a lot of big egos - how to get your players running at speed, in pace with one another and in the right direction.

  • Employee turnover and disengagement is at an all time high and whether its in the political or corporate arena, we seem to be experiencing a crisis in leadership and a breach in trust. This no-nonsense talk goes through the latest leadership techniques from the BEST performance and sports coaches in the world. It also covers communication methods that can make an impact. So many are talking right now, from boardrooms to podiums to stages, but few are listening. There is a reason, and there is a cure.

  • The most SUCCUESSFUL high performers in the world, the LEADERS, have a handful of consistent traits & habits. Two of them are their WILLINGNESS to fail, and learn by failing, again and again and their RELENTLESS ability to take consistent ACTION. Get off the bench & step on to the court to learn more as this talk is HIGH IMPACT, FAST PACED and all about HIGH PERFORMANCE HABITS.

  • MANY leaders & managers (especially age 40+) are scratching their heads - they struggle to retain and motivate the top talent of Gen Z. This talk goes through the cultural & generational differences which contribute to miscommunications and a lack of connection and presents an EFFECTIVE ACTIONABLE roadmap on how to attract & leverage the invaluable talent of Gen Z.

  • Employee mental health has been at the epicenter of discussions on the future of work since COVID. Energy depletion & exhaustion, reduction of efficacy at work & negative feelings towards ones job (combined with frustration & a lack of purpose) are complex issues that managers can no longer ignore but are hard pressed to find effective solutions. This candid, no no-nonsense talk covers the root causes of burnout and anxiety and presents a strategies for a remedy using the latest cutting edge techniques across multiple disciplines.

All the details


The JUMP: this is a space, propelling through air, where Inspiration meets Grit. Courage, Vulnerability & Fierce Honesty takes unexpected, uncensored turns. You cannot predict or control the wind on any given day. Parachute required.

HIGH Performance coach

I’ve seen corporate executives through big transitions, transformations, career pivots, hostile negotiations, jumping jobs, crises at 1AM and rapid personal & professional growth. After 20+ years working as a high performing corporate executive myself, in one of the most cut throat industries in the world, I GET IT. I have sat in your shoes, I have felt the relentless pressure, the stress, the blind drive for more, the intermittent burnout, the wind in my hair as I am screamed at (!), the scalding heat in boardrooms, the heart palpitating sweat of a crucial presentation, the chess game of Medici-like politics. I understand YOU. During my time in Mayfair I saw a big need for MORE of the unique, fearless approach I offer. The candid, direct way in which I quickly and accurately analyse the ROOT cause of any problem & start presenting actionable solutions. I’m also a certified hypnobreathwork coach - and this methodology, amongst others which I have studied obsessively - allows me to create rapid personal transformation (hint - it combines a lot of the latest research studies in neuroscience and the subconscious).

Certified in MASTRY EXPERIENCE coaching amongst various other transformational coaching modalities.

Sought-After Speaker

I’ve spoken at several to audiences from 50 to 300 over the last 6 years on leadership, change, culture and confidence. My uncensored, “tell it how it REALLY is” approach has a way of resonating immediately with the audience, causing a stir, inspiring dialogue and creating an atmosphere where most THINK AGAIN about their assumptions and standard approaches.

There is a crisis in leadership across the world - from politics to corporations - and when Dawn speaks she does not BS, placate or underestimate her audience - she says it how it is - and she focuses on smart strategies for change. The impact…. is immediate. She also focuses on techniques that support long-term sustainable change, she doesn’t do the ‘fast food’ McDonalds approach of this is how to make your employees productive or happy this week - then what? What happens in one month? This is about sustainable change where you see increased performance year after year.

CONSISTENCY IS the cornerstone to success

CONSISTENCY IS the cornerstone to success •

brand Collaborations

stay tuned

Subscribe for tHE Monthly NEWSLETTER

From neuroscience tips to support high performance, energy & focus, to meditation, sound therapy & breathwork hacks to combat burnout and stress, to why the quality of sleep is essential when you’re over 40, to the top podcasts on leadership, communication, productivity and resilience, to AI & the latest tech tools, this little newsgirl likes to keep her community informed, educated, inspired and guessing. Just WHAT will she say next?

Book Dawn Mari as a speaker for your next virtual OR in person event!

Dawn Mari is a bold professional speaker for corporate events, webinars and workshops specializing in authentic leadership, confidence, grit, Gen Z and communication.